Ahhh, tea…. my liquid soul mate.
While emotional bonds to food have (thankfully)
eluded me, tea has managed to worm its way well into my spirit and take up
permanent residence. But it’s not some chemical craving, per se – not like how
chocolate, say, can overtake some – though I guess it kinda started out that
I still remember my first cup, and it was far from spectacular – a dark
British blend delivering caffeine and a right of passage to a tuckered foreign
student who had just stepped foot in Leeds. Three sugars, please was all it took to make its way down, and soon enough, into
my everyday. It took awhile longer…much longer, in fact… time enough for me to
return to the States and graduate and get my first job, and several other jobs,
and get married and then some… but eventually, I did give up those sugars, and
later still, I finally ventured into a world ruled by more than simply English
Breakfast and Earl Grey. And what a wonderful world it is.
These days, as I attempt to stave off stimulants to some
degree (except, of course, when my beloved chai is involved) and enjoy the
wealth of health benefits and flavor combinations that herbals bring to the
mix, I realize that my body doesn’t need
tea… but my soul sure pouts when there’s none to be found because like a most
trusted friend, tea does an amazing job of soothing my spirit, calming my mind,
celebrating the moment or sopping up tears, whatever the needs of the day (or
hour) may be. So you can see why panic might start to set in when the last
remaining bag is brewed. Luckily, with Townshend’s just a hop, skip and a jump
away, that doesn’t happen very often.
Seriously, if you love tea and haven’t been to this place,
you are missing out. Let me show you why…
First of all, there’s what I call the Great Wall of Scents
providing an aroma sampling of each of the teas Townshend’s serves (which, I might add, includes a dozen varieties of chai).
It’s brilliant, really, and has helped me become even more
adventurous in my choosings.
Then, as if tea isn’t comforting enough, there’s this:
…a good share of cushiness to ease your stay. (These, of
course, fill quickly, so jump to it if you see an open spot. Unless I’m there –
then, you know, maybe scoot a bit so we can all get a good comfy seat.)
They may not look like much from the picture below, but they’re
really good, especially the Cilantro Pesto (the one on the right) which has a wonderfully fresh flavor
and is filled with sunflower seeds and carrots.
The Falafel flavor (which is on the left in this picture) truly tastes
like falafel.
The Tempeh Reuben (not pictured), on the other hand, was good but didn’t answer my reuben hankering as hoped. Had it been blessed with a different name, I would have enjoyed it even more because if you know me, you know how much I love my vegan reubens. (I suggest hitting up Viva Vegetarian Grill for that.)

The Tempeh Reuben (not pictured), on the other hand, was good but didn’t answer my reuben hankering as hoped. Had it been blessed with a different name, I would have enjoyed it even more because if you know me, you know how much I love my vegan reubens. (I suggest hitting up Viva Vegetarian Grill for that.)
Also, for any of you fermented-tea lovers out there, all (yes,
all!) of the Brew Dr. Kombucha flavors are available on tap.
Seriously, this place doesn’t disappoint, so if you’re in
the area, and especially if you’re vegan and in the area, I highly recommend
stopping by. It's located at 41 W. Broadway (between Starbucks and Broadway Metro) close to Willamette in downtown Eugene, and it's open from 9am 'til 10pm daily.
For those in Bend, Townshend’s also has a teahouse on NW
Bond Street, and there a four locations in Portland now (on NE Alberta Street,
SE Division Street, N. Mississippi Avenue and SE Stark Street). I haven’t been
to any of these yet (and can't vouch for their food offerings), so let me know what they’re like if you go or have been.
What’s your opinion of Townshend’s? Share your thoughts in
the comments below.
Click here for a list of additional vegan options in the Eugene/Springfield area.
Click here for a list of additional vegan options in the Eugene/Springfield area.